You mean, you cannot read cursive? I’m not even english native speaker and can read this easily, interesting
EDIT: ok I’m not english native, I didn’t want to offense anyone, I’m just an old coot who learnt cursive and only cursive at school in the 70s. I don’t know how to write with “block letters”
There’s a phenomenon I’ve noticed over the past few years where people refuse to read anything longer than a handful of words. In fact, it’s often lobbied as an insult toward the writer: “not gonna read that, bro” has a similar connotation as “what have you got there, nerd, a math book?” combined with “I guess I triggered you so bad you had to provide supporting detail for your ideas, ha ha!”
I think there’s a self reinforcing loop where we’ve all moved to mobile devices where it’s tedious and annoying to type anything, so we’ve gotten more used to shorter and shorter messages, making anything longer look old fashioned and out of touch. People who grew up with phones now feel like it’s tedious and annoying to even read a full paragraph (or watch a non-short video), let alone expend the extra energy required to decode handwriting and figure out a scribbled word from context. It’s easier just to say “not gonna read ur wall”, and reinforce that it’s now shameful to write a comment as long as this one.
This isn’t cursive so much as it’s dragged manuscript. Keep in mind there’s no single group of characters in cursive. There’s variations. Capital F is the whole reason I quit cursive. Some do a backwards print F, some do it like the Friendly’s restaraunt chain.
Regardless, here’s what I couldn’t read accurately that buried the message: fasting, that, climbing, mountain.
Many people can not, it’s not taught like it used to be. This however is a mix of sloppy cursive and simply not lifting the pen. Also the case of some letters are shifted. While I read the message correctly, it didn’t have context until reading other comments and I wasn’t sure I had it correct .
You mean, you cannot read cursive? I’m not even english native speaker and can read this easily, interesting
EDIT: ok I’m not english native, I didn’t want to offense anyone, I’m just an old coot who learnt cursive and only cursive at school in the 70s. I don’t know how to write with “block letters”
There’s a phenomenon I’ve noticed over the past few years where people refuse to read anything longer than a handful of words. In fact, it’s often lobbied as an insult toward the writer: “not gonna read that, bro” has a similar connotation as “what have you got there, nerd, a math book?” combined with “I guess I triggered you so bad you had to provide supporting detail for your ideas, ha ha!”
I think there’s a self reinforcing loop where we’ve all moved to mobile devices where it’s tedious and annoying to type anything, so we’ve gotten more used to shorter and shorter messages, making anything longer look old fashioned and out of touch. People who grew up with phones now feel like it’s tedious and annoying to even read a full paragraph (or watch a non-short video), let alone expend the extra energy required to decode handwriting and figure out a scribbled word from context. It’s easier just to say “not gonna read ur wall”, and reinforce that it’s now shameful to write a comment as long as this one.
Just saw another one this morning.
I am an even older fart, and I TAUGHT cursive. The only “cursive” here is the angry scrawl of someone who’d prefer to be cursing.
Look, for example, at the word immediately after HOLY MONTH. The closest correct cursive letters to fit the scrawl are:
It’s only by context, and allowing for the angry misplacement of the tittle, that we can read it as “that.”
I’m an English speaker (mother tounge), I can read cursive. That is atrocious hand writing. I say this as a person with terrible hand writing.
I can’t write in cursive, but even I can write better cursive than that, with my foot.
Remember that they’re writing on a paper taped to a window, not sitting at a desk.
Remember that they knew it was paper taped to a window when they made the attempt.
Who forced them to write quickly?
The power upsetti spaghetti forced their hand.
I can read cursive just fine. I can’t make out this note.
This isn’t cursive so much as it’s dragged manuscript. Keep in mind there’s no single group of characters in cursive. There’s variations. Capital F is the whole reason I quit cursive. Some do a backwards print F, some do it like the Friendly’s restaraunt chain.
Regardless, here’s what I couldn’t read accurately that buried the message: fasting, that, climbing, mountain.
I can read it when the other person can write it
Many people can not, it’s not taught like it used to be. This however is a mix of sloppy cursive and simply not lifting the pen. Also the case of some letters are shifted. While I read the message correctly, it didn’t have context until reading other comments and I wasn’t sure I had it correct .
Hozy monizH
…that’s not cursive? Like, there’s 3 or 4 actual cursive letters in there, the rest is sloppy print
Aged yourself, mate
true! old coot here!